Cheng Chi-kin, Max A Story of Time Through Scents Art Installation


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    Lobby, 2/F
  • Fee

Max Cheng has collected and displayed nearly fifty types of common fragrant herbs and materials, and used them to create the scents of dawn, day and dusk. Through wave-shaped diffusion devices, these fragrances are dispersed, alluding to the tidal ebb and flow that is emblematic of the cycle of time. The work A Story of Time Through Scents is on display to tie in with the exhibition "The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Fragrance of Time — In Search of Chinese Art of Scent", inviting the audience to take on a journey through time, led by the aromatic scents.

Cheng Chi-kin, Max graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. His creations centre on fragrances, mainly involving installations and mixed media, to explore the intrinsic value of objects and find creative inspiration in everyday life. After graduating, he established the okapi studio, where he has collaborated with various charities and organisations in designing fragrant creations, holding exhibitions and fragrance workshops, and guiding visitors at local farms. Through different activities, Max hopes to promote the multiple facets and sustainable development of the culture of fragrance.