“Curatorial Development Programme”: Talk Series by Dr Patrick Conner


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The “Curatorial Development Programme”*, sponsored by the Helen Kwok Foundation and the Friends of Hong Kong Museum of Art, is an initiative to invite distinguished scholars from abroad to visit Hong Kong to cultivate international scholarly exchange on the arts. With the support of this sponsorship, we are honoured to welcome internationally renowned China Trade Art scholar Dr Patrick Conner to the Hong Kong Museum of Art to conduct a research visit. Dr Conner shared his latest research during the first talk. Join us for the second talk “Looking Both Ways: Western Artists on the South China Coast”!

Looking Both Ways: Western Artists on the South China Coast

The HKMoA’s China Trade Art collections include paintings and drawings by European artists who came to Canton, Macau and Hong Kong in the late Qing era; they include George Chinnery, William Alexander, Auguste Borget, William Prinsep, and Thomas and William Daniell. Concluding his two-month research visit to the museum, Dr Conner will reconsider some old problems and share some fresh thoughts.

Time:2:30 – 4:00 pm
Venue:The Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Speaker:Dr Patrick Conner (Museum Expert Adviser)

Enrolment is not required. The Hall will be open for admission at 2:15 pm. Limited seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

China Trade Painting: New Evidence, Old Deceptions (Concluded)

How did “China trade painting” — or “Chinese export painting” — begin? Was it inspired by Jesuit painters at the Chinese imperial court, or perhaps by Cantonese ceramic designers, or painters on mirrored glass? This talk draws on newly available evidence (notably from Sweden) to question some received ideas and suggest some new ones.

Date: 2024.02.03(Saturday)
Time: 2:30 – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Speaker: Dr Patrick Conner (Museum Expert Adviser)
Language: English
Fee: Free

* The “Curatorial Development Programme” is sponsored by the Helen Kwok Foundation and the Friends of Hong Kong Museum of Art

About the Speaker:
Formerly the Keeper of Fine Art at the Royal Pavilion, Art Gallery and Museums, Brighton, Dr Patrick Conner specialises in the China trade and Chinese export paintings. He has written widely on the pictures of the Far East, particularly on the artist George Chinnery. He is currently a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society and the Museum Expert Adviser of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.