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Guided Tour for Groups

Guided Tour for Groups

Registered schools (kindergarten / primary school / secondary school / tertiary institution), or registered charitable or non-profit-making organisation with a group of 20 or more; or registered schools, charitable or non-profit-making organisation serving people with disabilities or the elderly, with a group of 10 or more, can apply for Guided Tour for Groups service.

Please click here for details and download the application form.

Enquiries: (852) 2734 2103


Points to note

  • Except for special exhibitions with an admission charge, there is no admission fee for general exhibitions, and advance applications are not required if there is no need for other services.
  • Completed application form must reach the Museum by fax, mail or email 3–12 weeks before the proposed date of your visit. Late or early applications will not be considered.
  • Group Guided Tour Service sessions available for booking:
    1. 10am – 5pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
    2. 10am – 12nn on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
  • Group Waiver of Admission Charges for Special Exhibitions available for booking:
    1. 10am – 12nn and 2pm – 5pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
    2. 10am – 12nn on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
  • Registered charitable organisations and registered non-profit-making organisations must provide copies of supporting documents to identify the charitable nature or non-profit-making nature of the organisation (please refer to point 3, "General Information and Waiver of Admission Charges for Special Exhibitions" on the third page of the Application Form).
  • The Free Coach Service for Schools applies to local registered kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools which applied Group Guided Tour Service successfully. It does not apply to groups that applied only for the Waiver of Admission Charges for Special Exhibition or Video Show for Groups.
  • Please visit here for"Inclement Weather Special Arrangements".